Short post today. The Lego shots I title "Ambush"
Dublin wasn't what I was expecting it to be. The economy has definitely taken its toll on the city, and Ireland. The Celtic Tiger (the name for Ireland's economic boom years back) is clearly gone. When I was in Belfast someone related the story of their aunt who was making a fortune and how she bought two houses and a freaking helicopter because... ya know, Celtic Tiger. Now Auntie has no houses, no big business, and most tragically of all, no helicopter. The crash affected everybody, not just millionaires. In my hostel was a great guy from Dublin staying there while he looked for work. He was an amazing character. Everyone I met in Dublin was amazing. I made some friends that I'll always remember.
I didn't go out that much in Dublin. My hostel was in a sort of rough part of town and I never did find the pretty side of Dublin when I was out. I poked around a couple of days but most of my time was spent making friends with good people. Gary, Erik, Jesse, and Dan the pleasure was mine.
Dan, Jesse, Gary, Erik
Dan, Jesse, Gary, Erik
So I...
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